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Herkese Açık·87 üye

Benjamin Eagles
Benjamin Eagles

How To Find Rare Items On Poptropica

It's hard to believe, but Shrink Ray Island will be the 20th Poptropica Island. That's a lot of adventures -- lots of characters to meet, foes to battle, and items to collect.In the time since we introduced Early Poptropica, some items have been harder to find than others. To celebrate our 20th Island, we'll be counting down the 20 rarest items in Poptropica. How many of these rare items do you have in your inventory?

how to find rare items on poptropica

Good news, everyone: Shrink Ray Island launches on June 30!It's hard to believe, but Shrink Ray Island will be the 20th Poptropica Island. That's a lot of adventures -- lots of characters to meet, foes to battle, and items to collect.In the time since we introduced Early Poptropica, some items have been harder to find than others. To celebrate our 20th Island, we'll be counting down the 20 rarest items in Poptropica. How many of these rare items do you have in your inventory?

Step 1. complete shark tooth island, early poptropica island and the haunted house (see walkthroughs) and then buy dr. hare's secret lab from the store.step 2. arriving at a smaller version of 24 carrot (in it's bad state) go into the door and keep going right until you find a door with dr. hare's logo on it. then push the boxes onto the switches. (if you can't push a box up push it down the hole at the bottom and jump in yourself. you will arrive at the top again with the box.) but while you're doing that avoid the guards. DO NOT TRY TO FREE THEM. THEY ARE WORKING FOR DR. HARE AND THEY ARE PAID TO DO IT. IT IS NOT LIKE 24 CARROT ISLAND.then go to the laser beam doors (not the electric ones. they are not doors.) and collect the glowing key cards.step 3. go out the door and go onto that moving floor and then when you reach the top talk to the man wearing a rabbit eyepatch and then do what he says with the keycards. happy hopping in your RABBOT suit. by a certain Finn. NOW LET'S GET TO WORK! pps. when you have completed this place say "I've completed dr. hare's secret lab on Q&A.

Hey guys I have a really cool poptropica glitch. It is only 10 simple steps. 1. Go to early poptropica. 2. Go to poptropica towers. 3. Find the green building. 4. Go up to the orange flower on the green building. 5. Kick the orange flower off the window sill it is on. 6. Move your mouse over on the window that had the orange flower on it. 7. Wait for your green arrow to become a blue and white pointer finger. 8. Once your green arrow becomes a blue and white pointer finger click the left mouse button. 9. After you click the left mouse button a members only item will pop up and go into your items pack. 10. Enter your items pack and see what you got. That is the glitch. Also I'm going to tell you what the members only it is. The members only it is really cool here it is. A really cool hypnotic item complete with : some red hair that looks like fire, a pair of orange and yellow hypnotic goggles, a weird shaped mouth, a brown pair of pants, and finally a orange and yellow shirt.

It broke!! Anyways, you roll it left, then click "Go Left" it FOLLOWS you! You roll it left... "Go left"...keep going then you stop at the ladder! You roll the tyre under the ladder then bounce on the tyre! - WHEE! - Anyways you have to steer your poptropican into the direction of the ladder though, oh and before you do that is there any red glasses? They're the boys.. pick them up THEN go into the tree house. The boy goes "Who's in the tree house? You shouldn't be here!" Then the girl goes "Don't mind my brother. He's cranky because he lost his glasses." Then open your inventory and get the red glasses.. click "use" and you walk up to him saying "You mean these glasses?" He takes his glasses and says "Oh - Uh, thanks." and the girl goes "Great! We couldn't have gotten far in Japan without those." and then the boy says "Annie, shh!" Then you just have a walk around the tree house and you find a Frog Creek book, no? Then go to the girl and say "What is this place?" and she'll go something like "It's the magical tree house!" and you click her again saying "Magic, like make-believe?" and she also goes something like "No, real magic!" and then you say "How does it work?" she goes "Pick up that book and we'll show you!" Then move right and there's a red book.. collect it and add it to your inventory.. she'll say "Just look at it and say.. I wish we could go there!" Open your inventory and select the red book, and click "Use" you'll say "I wish we could go there." The tree house starts shaking and the place you're at magically turns into Old Japan.. you say "Wow, what a ride!" Exit the tree house then the girl says "We'll go on ahead. You should try and find a kimono so you can blend in." the boy says "Take the magic amulet. it'll return you to the tree house whenever you need it." (God.. they became your friends quick, huh?) Now you got the amulet, we can continue our adventure... run/walk left and theres a mean old dude, if you click on him he'll just say " I can't be seen with a...

if you go to early poptropica and go down the well. you will meet a guy. find the glowstick and go to the pit. go to the bottom and go left. you'll end up in a dark room. explore the place and yo'll find a golden egg. find the giant in the sky and give it to him. YO'LL BE GLAD YOU DID!!!!!!!!!!!!


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