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Probability Theory And Random Processes Ramesh Babu Pdf 80l

121 Sanjay Kumar, Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) Theoretical chemistry, quantum chemistry Associate Professors N. Narasimha Murthy, Ph.D. (IISc, Bangalore) Bio-inorganic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, spectroscopy Dillip Kumar Chand, Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) Supramolecular chemistry, inorganic chemistry G. Sekar, Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur) Enantioselective organic synthesis Assistant Professors Santosh J. Gharpure, Ph.D. (IISc Bangalore) Organic synthesis, new synthetic methods Debashis Chakraborty, Ph.D. (Göttingen, Germany) Synthetic organometallic chemistry Sundaragopal Ghosh, Ph.D. (IIT Bombay) Organometallic and metalloborane chemistry B. Rajakumar, Ph.D. (IISc. Bangalore) Atmospheric chemistry, gas-phase kinetics and high-resolution cavity ring down spectroscopy, computational chemistry K.M. Muraleedharan, Ph.D. (RRL Trivandrum) Medicinal chemistry, bio-organic chemistry Edamana Prasad, Ph.D. (RRL Trivandrum) Divalent lanthanide and dendrimer chemistry Amrendra Vijay, Ph.D. (IISc. Bangalore) Theoritical physical chemistry Arti Dua, Ph.D. (IISc. Bangalore) Statistical mechanics, polymer theory, stochastic processes Nandita Madhavan, Ph.D (University of Illinois at Urbana- Oligopeptide synthesis, polymer chemistry, organic materials Champaign, USA) Ramesh Gardas, Ph.D. (South Gujarat University) Solution thermodynamics, ionic liquids R. Kothandaraman, Ph.D. (IISc. Bangalore) Materials electrochemistry Pazhamalai Anbarasan, Ph.D (IISc. Bangalore) Organic synthesis Short-term courses/workshops/seminars/symposia/conferences/training programmes attended by faculty members in academic institutions and public sector undertakings Sl. No. Name of Faculty Member Title Institution Period Workshops 1 T. Pradeep 4th ICPC NanoNet Workshop on Nano for Water, Goa 2 4 April Energy & Environment 2 Mangala Sunder NPTEL Workshop Calicut University August NPTEL NMEICT awareness workshop NIT, Warangal August 3 R. Kothandaraman Workshop on automotive power sources VIT Vellore 2 August 4 T. Pradeep 3rd Trilateral (India, China and Singapore) Workshop on Nanotechnology Applications in Energy, Water and Healthcare IIT Bombay 19 November 5 P. Anbarasan BRNS proposal BARC, Mumbai November 6 K. Mangala Sunder IGNOU Workshop on instrumental design for E content New Delhi November 7 Mangala Sunder Educational conference NPTEL workshop Ahmedabad, Goa 8 11 January 8 Ramesh Gardas 2nd International Workshop on Ionic Liquids Alternative Benign Materials for Renewable Energy and Its Applications 9 Muraleedharan K.M. Lecture workshop, Recent Trends in Synthetic Organic Chemistry 10 R. Kothandaraman Indo-US workshop on electrocatalytic materials for fuel cells and biofuel cells 11 A.K. Mishra Training under Faculty Development Programme of TEQIP II National Chemical Laboratory, Pune Kerala BHU, Varanasi SLIET January January February March 114

Probability Theory And Random Processes Ramesh Babu Pdf 80l


178 21 Ashwin Bellur (Project Officer) 22 Akshay Bhandari (Project Associate) National Communication Conference WISSAP February, IIT Delhi February, IIT Madras Names of students/scholars who won outside prizes and awards Sl. No Name of the Student/Scholar Roll No. Name of Prize Prize awarded by 1 Satya Nunna Mounika CS12B020 Selected as an Aditya Birla Scholar under the Science Stream 2 Biswabandan Panda (Ph.D.) and R. Krithika (Ph.D.) CS10D019 CS12D005 Selected for the TCS Research Scholar Program Names of students/scholars who won Institute Convocation/Institute Day prizes Aditya Birla Management Corporation Pvt. Ltd. TATA Consultancy Services Sl. No. Name of the Student/Scholar Roll No. Name of Prizes Name of Donor 1 Akshay Dhananjai Degwekar CS10B056 Institute Day Prize Sri. V. Ramachandran 2 Vijay Karthick M. CS09B050 Institute Day Prize Computer Age Management Services Pvt. Ltd. 3 Vijay E. CS10M067 Best M.Tech. Project Award and the convocation prize for highest GPA Faculty and Their Activities Faculty Name and Qualifications Professors Chandra Sekhar C., Ph.D. () Deepak Khemani, Ph.D. (IIT Bombay) Gonsalves T.A., Ph.D. (Stanford) Hema A. Murthy, Ph.D. () Janakiram D., Ph.D. (IIT Delhi) Kalyana Krishnan R., Ph.D. (Yale) Kamakoti V., Ph.D. () Kamala Krithivasan, Ph.D. (University of Madras) Krishna Moorthy Sivalingam, Ph.D. (SUNY Buffalo) Pandu Rangan C., Ph.D. (IISc) Raghavan S.V., Ph.D. () Siva Ram Murthy C., Ph.D. (IISc) Sreenivasa Kumar P., Ph.D. (IISc) [Head of the Department] Sukhendu Das, Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur) Major Areas of Specialization Speech recognition, artificial neural networks, kernel methods Artificial intelligence, knowledge based systems, natural language processing and neural networks Computer networks, distributed systems, NMS, operating systems, performance evaluation, telecom software Speech processing, computer graphics, pattern recognition Object oriented systems, software engineering, parallel and distributed systems, database systems, mobile computing, computing education, computing for developing regions, mobile telemedicine Computer architecture, computer system design, microprocessors, digital electronic systems, computer graphics, statistical signal processing Software for VLSI design, computational geometry, high performance computing Theoretical computer science, formal languages and automata, algorithms, computational geometry, unconventional models of computing Wireless networks, optical networks Algorithms, parallel and VLSI algorithms, graph theory, computational geometry, randomized algorithms, computational learning theory, crypto-analysis Real-time systems, optical and wireless networks E-banking E-learning, intelligent search engines, multicasting, multimedia presentation systems, mobile agents, mobile wireless networks, next generation web browsers, secure WAN design in heterogeneous systems Parallel and distributed computing, real-time systems, lightwave networks and wireless networks Graph theory, algorithms, parallel computations, data mining and databases Visual perception, image intelligence, graphics and visualization 171

179 Associate Professors Anurag Mittal, Ph.D. (University of Maryland) Madhu Mutyam, Ph.D. () Narayanaswamy N.S., Ph.D. (IISc) Ravindran B., Ph.D. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Assistant Professors Jayalal Sarma M.N., Ph.D. (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai) John Augustine, Ph.D. (University of California, Irvine) V. Krishna Nandivada, Ph.D. (University of California, Los Angeles) Raghavendra Rao B.V., Ph.D. (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai) Shankar Balachandran, Ph.D. (UT, Dallas) Sutanu Chakraborti, Ph.D. (The Robert Gordon University, UK) Computer vision Computer architecture Algorithms and complexity theory Machine learning, reinforcement learning, data/text mining Computational complexity theory, structural and circuit complexity, lower bounds and derandomization Optimization of algorithms, computational geometry, distributed algorithms and algorithmic game theory Compilers, program analysis, programming languages, fault localization and multicore systems Computational complexity theory, Boolean and arithmetic circuits, algebraic complexity, smoothed analysis of algorithms CAD for VLSI, reconfigurable computing, computer architecture Information retrieval, memory-based reasoning and machine learning Short-term courses/workshops/seminars/symposia/conferences organized by the faculty members Sl. No. Coordinator(s) Title Period Workshops 1 Hema A. Murthy ASR Workshop June, 2 Sukhendu Das A 2-day workshop, Digital Video Analytics and Processing (DVAP-12) December, at IC&SR Auditorium, 3 John Augustine Workshop, Big Data Algorithms January, at Tata Research Development and Design Centre 4 Ravindran Workshop on Understanding Big Data Analysis at Mysore, sponsored by ACM IKDD 15 February Short-term courses 1 Hema A. Murthy Basic Computers for Visually Challenged 15 May to 20 June 2 Madhu Mutyam Quality Improvement Programme, Recent Trends in Computer Architecture 3 Hema A. Murthy, Chandra Sekhar, S. Umesh (EE) and Ramalingam (EE) 4 Krishna Moorthy Sivalingam and V. Krishna Nandivada Winter School on Speech and Audio Processing: Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Architecture Readiness Programme (ARP) for senior employees of Verizon (3-year MoU signed jointly by Deparment of Computer Science and Engineering and DoMS; each batch of students from Verizon will undergo a 3-month certificate course) December, IIT Madras February 22 February to 17 May Short-term courses/workshops/seminars/symposia/conferences/training programmes attended by faculty members in academic institutions and public sector undertakings Sl. No. Name of Faculty Member Title Institution Period Workshops 1 Jayalal Sarma M.N. Workshop on Complexity and Logic (speaker) IIT Kanpur 17 July 2 Hema A. Murthy International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications IISc, Bangalore July 172

246 R.P. Sundarraj, Ph.D. Thenmozhi M., M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D. Vijayaraghavan P., B.E., M.B.A., Fellow IIM Bangalore (TTK Chair Professor) Associate Professors Arun Kumar G., M.Com., Ph.D. Thillairajan A., B.E., M.Sc., Fellow IIM Bangalore Assistant Professors Amit R.K., M.Tech., Ph.D. Arshinder Kaur, M. Tech, Ph. D. Ganesh M.P., M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D. Krishna Prasanna P., M. Com., Ph.D. Lata Dyaram, M.A, Ph.D. Rahul R. Marathe B.E., M.S., Ph.D. Richa Agrawal, M.B.A., Ph.D. Rupashree Baral, Ph.D. Saji K. Mathew, Ph.D. Usha Mohan, M.Sc., Ph.D. Information Systems, Supply Chain Management, e-business, Computational Optimization, Decision Support System. Financial Management, Strategic Management Computational Finance Strategic Marketing, Advertising & Sales Promotion, Brand Management, Industrial & Services Marketing Market Microstructure, IPOs, Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint Ventures and Multinational Business Financial Management, Advanced Corporate Finance, Venture Capital and Private Equity, Infrastructure and Project Finance Game theory, operations research, decision theory, natural resources management Operations research, supply chain management, total quality management, services operations management Organizational behaviour, human resources management, industrial psychology Financial accounting, fixed income securities, financial risk management, market microstructure LeLeadership development, corporate sustainability, cognition in organizations, organizational behaviour, organizational development, industrial and organization psychology Simulation, industrial engineering, TQM, operations research, operations management Customer relationship marketing, consumer behaviour and insight advantage Strategic human resources management, organizational behaviour, work life balance, employee engagement, diversity and inclusiveness, career exit and re-entry of women Management information systems, IT strategy, data mining and business intelligence, IT services and outsourcing, information systems development Quantitative models in operations management, probability and statistics, combinatorial optimization V. Vijayalakshmi, M.Sc., Ph.D. Positive organizational behaviour, social media and social design, neurolinguistic programming Visiting Assistant Professors Anantha Sundararajan, M.S., Ph.D. Operations research, risk management (Indl. Engg.) Short-term courses/workshops/seminars/symposia/conferences organized by the faculty members Sl. No. Names of the Co-ordinators Title Period Workshops/management development programmes/executive development programmes/conferences 1 Rahul R. Marathe 2-day workshop, Manufacturing Systems Management, for 4 5 June engineers of TAFE Ltd., Chennai 2-day workshop, Manufacturing Systems Management, for August engineers of TAFE Ltd., Chennai 2 T.J. Kamalanabhan and M. Thenmozhi Supervisory development programme for L&T engineers October 3 M.P. Ganesh, V. Vijayalakshmi and Rupashree Baral Nurturing the Inner You For Individuals, Group & Organisational Excellence, for corporations 2 3 November 4 M.P. Ganesh Teacher Leadership, for college teachers, Chennai 9 10 November 5 Rahul R. Marathe 2-day executive development programme, Manufacturing 4 5 December Systems Management, for engineers of TAFE Ltd., Chennai 6 Lata Dyaram and T.J. Kamalanabhan Leadership development programme for senior executives of corporations 6 8 December 239


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